Infix is a free, Linux based, immutable1 operating system for networked equipment. Although primarily focused on switches and routers, its core values may be appealing for other use-cases as well:
- Runs from a squashfs image on a read-only partition
- Single configuration file on a separate partition
- Linux switchdev provides open switch APIs
- Atomic upgrades to secondary partition
- Highly security focused
The entire system is modeled using YANG with standard IETF models and dedicated models when needed to fully leverage Linux capabilities. Meaning, not only is the system configuration derived from YANG, but also system state and any operations (RPC/actions), like upgrade.
An immutable operating system greatly enhances security. Configuration and data, e.g, containers, is stored on separate partitions to ensure complete separation from system files and allow for seamless backup, restore, and provisioning.
In itself Infix is perfectly suited for dedicated networking tasks and native support for Docker containers provides a versatile platform that can easily be adapted to any customer need. Be it legacy applications, network protocols, process monitoring, or edge data analysis, it can run close to end equipment. Either directly connected on dedicated Ethernet ports or indirectly using virtual network cables to exist on the same LAN as other connected equipment.
The simple design of Infix provides complete control over both system and data, minimal cognitive burden, and makes it incredibly easy to get started.
An immutable operating system is one with read-only file systems, atomic updates, rollbacks, declarative configuration, and workload isolation. All to improve reliability, scalability, and security. For more information, see https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3386/paper9.pdf and https://www.zdnet.com/article/what-is-immutable-linux-heres-why-youd-run-an-immutable-linux-distro/. ↩︎